Dominika Maison
President & Chief Science Partner

Dominika Maison has combined the practice of consumer research and scholarly work for many years. She is a psychology professor at the University of Warsaw and the greatest authority in market research and consumer psychology in Poland. She supports the M&P Team with her psychological expertise and experience in consulting, supervising the substantive content of each project. Dominika engages in broad-ranging scholarly research on latent consumer attitudes, financial attitudes and behaviours, and social marketing. She engages in academic collaboration with many universities worldwide, including the USA, Belgium, Italy and Indonesia.

Dominika has authored and coauthored 11 books and over 60 academic papers as well as many publications on contemporary consumers (e.g. “Qualitative Methods in Marketing Research: Understanding the Consumer”, “Poles in the World of Finance” or “Consumer Psychology” – all three in Polish). In 2003–2007, she was the President of the Polish Society of Market and Opinion Researchers (PTBRiO). At present, she is the ESOMAR representative for Poland and a member of many international organisations (e.g. Society for Consumer Psychology, or Qualitative Research Consultants Association).

maison stopka

ul. Podbipięty 57, 02-732 Warszawa,
tel. +48 22 828 28 85, kom. +48 512 437 457,

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